The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC January competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 4: Contemptible person's clever remarks point to Spooner

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A clue to PIPSQUEAK.
8 comments refer to this clue (from 7 competitors, 0 others)
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Comments on the clue
1.Normally I loathe Spoonerisms but this one is amusing and subtle.
2.Good idea, but the surface reading is weak – why is the person contemptible?
3.My preferred one of the spoonerisms.
4.Wonderful clue worth 5 points
5.Nice use of point.
6.An excellent Spoonerism, although for me just pipped (sorry) by the more concise 34.
7.It seems a good idea to use a Spoonerism when the opportunity arises. I thought this the best.
Comments on the competition
Answers were strangely consistent. Clues were usually serviceable but lacking the spark of inspiration.
Several took the opportunity to use a Spoonerism – I thought 4 the best of these.
For anagrams, perhaps the letters made it difficult for fodder to go beyond quip, pique and quean. 6 and 37 had deletions from the fodder.
Pip was defined in different ways – I liked the reference to Great Expectations in 25 and 7.
Definitions in several cases settled for something straight forward – often nothing, nobody or nonentity.