The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC March competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 14: Form one youngster pockets cash

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A clue to MONEY (CLASS) (Wrong Number).
2 comments refer to this clue (from 2 competitors, 0 others)
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Comments on the competition
Not so much variety this month as in previous comps, but the word and clue format didn't really allow it. Everyone seems to have grasped the 'wrong number' requirements. I liked the 'form one' hidden word clues 9, 14 and 35, and 37's St Edward was original – someone knows their medieval history. Top marks to 6 though – very fluent surface and neat compound anagram. 2 is also a good clue, but I can't see how cover = class. Hope I haven't missed something obvious.
1st (4 pts) 6 — simple and very elegant
2nd (3 pts) 9 — the best of the hidden clues that used this idea
3rd (2 pts) 13 — not sure about first=one, otherwise good
4th= (1 pt each) 8, 14, 24 ('Means' has a tacked-on look), 37 (would prefer the fact that 'St' and 'Ed' leave different parts of 'most needy' to be signposted), 40 (not sure about 'last of' applying to two words), 49 (the 'o is a bit artificial, despite its use in high circles)