The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC August competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 9: Dean, maybe, having mislaid his car, is a numskull.

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A clue to OXHEAD.
2 comments refer to this clue (from 1 competitor, 1 other)
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Comments on the clue
1.Rather indirect in both elements of wordplay. In any case, no Oxford college has a Dean as its head.
Comments on the competition
A pretty uninspiring collection, so I awarded far fewer than 15 pointa, Sometimes it pays to keep it simple (as with the HOAXED anagram) rather than try to be too clever. For instance, who on earth would come up with 'Oxford head' when faced with 'dean' in a clue? I refer to clue 9. We shall see what the judges are made of by the number of points they give this one!