The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC June competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 29: Right in USA upset by additional levy rasher leaders of liberal legislature introduced as part of 'collectivist enterprise'

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A clue to COLLOP / SURTAX (Right & Left).
4 comments refer to this clue (from 3 competitors, 0 others)
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Comments on the clue, but seems a bit long and forced, also consciously avoiding punctuation?
2.Nice clue overall but Right = RT rather than R as contributor to anagram would be unfair to solvers?
3.A well-woven clue.
Comments on the competition
L/R clues are always tough to construct, and these were no different. It really is important to conceal the join well, and those clues with punctuation between the two halves got relegated quickly.
Another minor issue I had with some: a surtax is an *extra* tax, additional to a tax already levied; I rewarded clues which managed to get this across in their definition.
There was a lot of "almost certain" (or similar) to indicate SUR; while this is a neat construction I feel it was a little too common to be rewarded the highest marks.
There were also quite a few company heads returning, so they didn't quite access top marks either.
I gave the most points to 7 and 29, which I enjoyed particularly.