The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC Christmas Special competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 24: This is the year that May perhaps follows a number of French in cutting hesitancy

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A clue to TWELVEMONTH / A thematic word of your choice (Right & Left).
4 comments refer to this clue (from 4 competitors, 0 others)

Here is the text

Comments on the clue
1.Indecision is 10-lettered, needs to be a 11-letter word.
2.The rules ask for an 11-letter thematic word.
3.Surely "cut" would clue "incision"? I also feel the construction for TWELVEMONTH (TWELVE + MONTH) is a little uninspired, I'm afraid.
4."this is the year that" not a clean definition for twelvemonth. Might get away with lust "Year"