The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

CCCWC Christmas Special competition voters’ comments
Clue no. 17: Opening of festivities makes way for terrible venom during Orangemen's Day 1935, perhaps in violent scene with destruction in Catholic enclave primarily from offensive acts

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A clue to TWELVEMONTH / A thematic word of your choice (Right & Left).
6 comments refer to this clue (from 5 competitors, 0 others)
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Comments on the clue
1.Nice original construction for twelvemonth and the whole thing reads well too. Many points!
2.Quite a history lesson. The clue is sound but overlong I think.
3.All there technically (and historically it seems) but strained and unenjoyable for me
4.messy and rambling
5.Not happy with 'from' to link to definition
Comments on the competition
Many fine LR clues on offer; this was a most enjoyable competition to vote on. There were a couple of clear top-scorers for me (4 for its excellent definition for HEXADECIMAL and an elegant surface reading & 17 for its very creative surface reading plus a neat and original construction for TWELVEMONTH).

Other point-scorers (and there were several, although unfortunately I didn't have that many points to dish out!) all had a well-hidden "join" between the two clues – punctuation or an extra word generally spoiled cluers' chances – as well as some fine wordplay.