The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Joe Rees

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Joe Rees has 8 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2022 Annual Competition253  
July 2022MERCHANTOccupation of Taiwan by Chinese occupying force"Occupation" definition, RC ("Taiwan", IVR) + HAN ("Chinese", the people) inside ("occupying") MET ("force", Metropolitan Police)1027.51  1 
June 2022WOODWARDRanger rode and swam naked, word has it (8)"Ranger" r(OD)e and s(WA)m inside WORD825.50  3 
May 2022SONY (Printer's Devilry)Trumpet again sounding weirdTrump's on yet again, sounding weird827.55  1 
April 2022REMOTE CONTROLLong-distance running? (6,7)cryptic definition628.50  3 
February 2022DOLCE VITASilly old Clarence's wings the heart of movie It's a Wonderful Life (5,4)Silly old=OLD*; Clarence's wings=CE: the heart of movie=V; It's a=IT has A=ITA; Wonderful Life=definition (surface is a reference to the plot of the film)8262  1 
January 2022UNDERGROUNDWhere's mine? (11)cryptic definition (a mine is underground)9278  2 
2021 Annual Competition165.5  
September 2021CICERONETour Guide 101: on vacation choose right one (8)"tour guide"; 101=CI; on vacation choose=CE; right=R; one=ONE920.53  2 
July 2021MACARONITuck, Marian and co made merryanagram of MARIAN+CO Tuck=food=def (Ref Robin Hood and the Merry Men)152.50  1