The Crossword Centre Clue-Writing Competition

Competition clues by Terry Neale

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Terry Neale has 10 clues

CompClue wordClueExplanationPosPoints Merits  
2022 Annual Competition390.5  
June 2022WOODWARDClub bolstered by rising attraction in Forest's keeperClub = wood; bolstered by = positional indicator; rising attraction = ward (draw reversed); in = link to def; Forest's keeper = def (surface: Nottingham Forest)825.51  1 
2021 Annual Competition292.5  
May 2021TOERAGOutrage when university expelled drunken miscreantOutrage when university expelled = anagram fodder with u removed; drunken = anagram indicator; miscreant = definition.737.55  1 
March 2021CORNFLAKESPopular breakfast cooked alfresco outside of kitchenPopular breakfast = def; cooked = anagram indicator; alfresco outside of kitchen = anagram fodder (alfresco + k + n).442.52  5 
2020 Annual Competition252.5  
November 2020SUBMARINEAmerican sandwich bar's menu is revamped with a bit of imaginationAmerican sandwich = def; bar's menu = anagram fodder; is revamped = anagrind; with a bit of imagination = add 'i' to anagram fodder mix922.54  2 
October 2020GLORIAOil and rag needed for restoring part of saintly imageOil and rag needed = indicating anagram fodder (oil + rag); for restoring = anagram indicator; part of saintly image = definition ( gloria = halo)532.52  1 
September 2020SEVEN (Printer’s Devilry)One choice for a dirty weekend in ItalyOne chose Venice for a dirty weekend in Italy819.52  1 
February 2020ATONEMENTAgreed with crew, time to make amendsAt one + men + t: to make = link words to def; amends = def1019.50 
2019 Annual Competition126.5  
Christmas Special 2019Christmas Cocktails (Right & Left)Play game regularly with panache, getting some bubbly orange drink creation prepared by universityPlay = anagrind; game regularly with panache = g + m + panache* (champagne); getting = link word to def; some bubbly = def / orange drink = def (cointreau); creation* = cointrea; prepared = anagrind; by university = + u813.50  1 
October 2019GULESRed sludge formed when deuterium is extractedRed = def; anagram of sludge with D (deuterium) removed.426.50  1 
April 2019SUCKER-PUNCHSweet alcoholic drink delivering an unexpected wallopSweet = sucker (inf Chambers); alcoholic drink = punch; delivering = link word; an unexpected wallop = definition239.51  1