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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
709 Dec 1985GINGER normal 25


Competition 709’s average clue lengths over 25 clues:

36 letters per clue (9 below the archive average, and 7 below the average for 6-letter words)

7.4 words per clue (2.2 below the archive average, and 1.5 below the average for 6-letter words)


Longest clue (the 188th longest normal clue in the archive)

Like the League in Holmes’ case – rugger made to lose its authority and it’s given in, helplessly

76 letters, 17 words, by D. R. Robinson


Shortest clues (the 3rd shortest normal clues in the archive)

Go pop

5 letters, 2 words, by A. J. Redstone


Go pop?

5 letters, 2 words, by J. F. N. Wedge


Competition 709 has contributed 14 unique words to the clue archive:

Mrs J. MahoodArden
J. J. MooreBarbarossa
D. AshcroftBernhard
D. F. Manleyco-starring
D. Ashcroftconceded
J. J. Mooreexterminating
R. F. Naishflip
N. C. Dextergirl-gent
T. W. MortimerGreenidge
D. R. Robinsonhelplessly
D. R. RobinsonHolmes
J. D. D. Blaikieone-night
T. E. Sandersprecedent
P. F. Hendersonsewing-machine