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2209 Oct 2014(O)CT(O)BER Letters Latent 21


Competition 2209’s average clue lengths over 21 clues:

55 letters per clue (10 above the archive average, and 10 above the average for Letters Latent competitions)

10.6 words per clue (1 above the archive average, and 1.3 above the average for Letters Latent competitions)


Longest clue (the 3rd longest Letters Latent clue in the archive)

Coming up, openings for retailers – expect busy trading conditions for days leading up to Hallowe’en

82 letters, 15 words, by C. Short


Shortest clue (the 62nd shortest Letters Latent clue in the archive)

Time cases of exotic bier will be drunk

32 letters, 8 words, by R. J. Hooper


Competition 2209 has contributed 17 unique words to the clue archive:

C. J. Morseamber
D. K. Arnottbelter
A. J. WardropBrecht
J. A. ButlerCommunism
J. R. Tozercommunists
G. McStravickDowson’s
J. A. Butlerengineered
G. McStravickevoked
L. Wardinsurgent
P. W. MarlowIsis
M. A. Macdonald-CooperPontefract
G. McStravickrecitable
C. J. Morsereddens
Ms B. Widgerretailed
C. Shortretailers
R. C. Teutonroughness