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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
1806 Jan 2007INEBRIANT normal 24


Competition 1806’s average clue lengths over 24 clues:

43 letters per clue (2 below the archive average, and 3 below the average for 9-letter words)

9.3 words per clue (0.3 below the archive average, and 0.3 below the average for 9-letter words)


Longest clue (the 699th longest normal clue in the archive)

Climbing mountain peak in thin air awfully hard going – and awfully exhilarating

67 letters, 12 words, by R. J. Heald


Shortest clue (the 545th shortest normal clue in the archive)

What’s drunk as ——? A Ribena isn’t!

23 letters, 6 words, by R. S. Morse


Competition 1806 has contributed 14 unique words to the clue archive:

R. J. WhaleBacchus
D. F. ManleyBein’
R. C. Teutonbi
D. F. Manleydancin’
J. Grimesdoling
J. F. Grimshawethyl
R. C. TeutonHalf-and-half
D. Parfitthibernating
E. J. Burgeintoxication
W. Dreverlabyrinthine
J. Grimesmind-blowing
J. Grimesniterie
R. C. Teutonorientation
R. S. MorseRibena