Ximenes Competition No. 25  Ximenes Slip  |  ◀  24  |  26  ▶  |  Other competitions
No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
25 May 1946WERGILD normal24


AwardClue writerClueExplanation
FirstS. BealeMaiden indisposed to marry without compensationanag. of girl in wed
SecondMaj D. L. ClementsMethod of expiration? Sounds a fishy sort of answer—should be method of expiation‘we’re gilled’; expiration, i.e. breathing
ThirdRev R. J. WhitakerFine interior in a flower-gilded framehidden
HCA. H. AshcroftThough an atonement, it makes one furious about the amount of work doneerg in wild
HCL. J. AtkinsonRetreat of the Durhams became an atonementDLI grew (rev.); Durham Light Infantry
HCDr BlameyI am wild about a little work—a composition of some old Teutonerg in wild; composition = payment
HCR. S. BrowneNot a nudists’ colony, but a labour unit working in a state of nature—for their sins?erg in wild
HCBrig J. de L. ConryPaying, but unlikely, alternative for Nuremburg defendantscryptic def.; wergild used by ‘Teutonic peoples’
HCF. E. DixonHow the Teutonic murderer might atone by getting mad about workerg in wild
HCJ. M. DoultonIf I am keen about a piece of work, a fine composition should resulterg in wild; composition = payment
HCL. E. EyresWhat price the life of a working unit in the Desert?erg in wild
HCS. B. GreenI grew up a heartless lad—the penalty of wrong doingI grew (rev.) + l(a)d
HCC. B. JoynerTo be keen about a bit of work is fineerg in wild
HCR. H. KuttnerWas it a reverse that made a famous northern regiment expand to its present composition?DLI grew (rev.); composition = payment; Durham Light Infantry
HCJ. LaurieWhereby the Teuton once made reparations: a fishy statement? It sounds so‘we’re gilled’
HCLt R. H. LemonAs expiation for murder, we’d bury the girl’s remainsanag. of girl in we’d
HCMrs MagruderA fine affair grew up over a broken lidgrew (rev.) + anag.
HCT. W. MelluishEric’s girl upset inside about being marriedanag. in wed; eric = blood-fine
HCE. H. MorrisTo get off, criminal Frank paid court arranged wed girl, and all was fineanag. of wed girl; used by ‘Franks and other Teutonic peoples’
HCJ. J. MurphyOld composition that ought to be performed by the dance band after swinging Chopincryptic def.; composition = payment; i.e. “murdering” music
HCF. E. NewloveA fine business, upsetting a girl in the middle of being marriedanag. in wed
HCD. I. RandellIrish Eric adopts Teutonic nationality in order to wed girlanag. of wed girl; eric = blood-fine
HCR. W. E. StickingsFine work in desert by “W” glider formation saves further bloodshederg in wild, anag.
HCJ. L. . WalkerThis composition refers to a much earlier Teutonic crime-waive!cryptic def.; composition = payment; pun on ‘wave’

No Runners-Up in competition 25