Azed Competition No. 525 Azed Slip | ◀ 521 | 530 ▶ | Other competitions |

No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
525 | May 1982 | PABOUCHE | normal | 23 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | W. J. M. Scotland | Half chewed after pup’s onset – one with heelless fit? | p a bou(t) + che(wed), & lit. |
Second | V. G. Henderson | Toss a dog a bone to chew up – you might get —— gnawed too! | comp. anag. & lit. |
Third | R. A. Mostyn | Roll over with cry of anguish on face of Eiger – it’s easy to slip on | bap (rev.) + ouch + E |
VHC | M. J. Balfour | Pop’s corked, but fit for consumption? Fit for my foot – it’s flat! | pa + bouché |
VHC | E. A. Beaulah | Cheap cracks about the unfinished round (Ali often puts his foot in it!) | bou(t) in anag.; ref. Muhammad A. |
VHC | E. J. Burge | ‘I’m worn after day’s work’ – Dad, before getting corked (anticipating ferment) | pa + bouché |
VHC | M. Coates | Pop corked while fermenting has a kick like a mule | pa + bouché |
VHC | N. C. Dexter | It makes one roll about with cry of pain when applied to one’s back-side | bap (rev.) + ouch + e, & lit. |
VHC | Dr I. S. Fletcher | Foot’s requirement around the House? See he’s after power with party rid of extreme elements | P + (L)abou(r) + C he; ref. Michael F. |
VHC | N. C. Goddard | Bag containing salt is on the back of the Turk’s mule | AB in pouch + e |
VHC | J. F. Grimshaw | Foot’s casual wear leads to public exclamation about deficiently clad labour chief | (l)abou(r) ch. in p, e; ref. Michael F.’s apparel at Remembrance service |
VHC | S. Holgate | Where you’ll see dad’s ‘plate of meat’? | pa + bouché2, & lit.; ’s = has |
VHC | N. Kemmer | Oriental slipper bought half wrapped in cheap shoddy | bou(ght) in anag. |
VHC | M. D. Laws | Pedal ornament, oriental, incorporating possibly Arab cloth, backless | ab(a) in P ouch E, & lit. |
VHC | C. Loving | One half of pair – where champers might be in party abroad? | pa(ir) + bouche, & lit.; bouche (Fr.) = mouth |
VHC | L. K. Maltby | Soft shoe worn upon beach but not close to ocean | anag. less n |
VHC | C. J. Morse | You’ll get the slipper if dad’s stopped while working | pa + bouché |
VHC | F. E. Newlove | One mule in the souk and path’s half bunged up | pa(th) bouché |
VHC | C. P. Rea | Object of hunting game in the Orient? A boar’s head, a bag out East | a b in pouch + E; Hunt the Slipper |
VHC | E. R. Riddle | For what could Bach, opus 8, be mistaken when played on sight? Chopin? | comp. anag. incl. eight; chopin2 |
VHC | A. D. Scott | Need heels for perfect fit dear? Not I | pa(t) bou(t) che(r), & lit. |
VHC | T. A. J. Spencer | Such as father applied to babe’s extremities involving cry of pain? | pa + ouch in b, e |
VHC | Dr E. Young | Pedal covering with loose heel, I, out East | P + abou(t) + ch + E; out = not in use; see ch in C. |
HCs in competition 525 awarded to: