Azed Competition No. 1300 Azed Slip | ◀ 1294 | 1303 ▶ | Other competitions |

No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
1300 | Apr 1997 | OXFORD (extra O) | Extra Letter | 23 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | G. H. Willett | Symbol of orotundity, Times cross over lightweight material | rotundity; O x ford |
Second | D. Pendrey | Steer too close to old Morris saloon | to; ox for (ol)d; ref. Morris Oxford car |
Third | C. G. Millin | ‘Morse’s manor’ – a cartoon (not book) adapted to Dexter’s leading character | carton; (b)ox for D |
VHC | Ms E. Allen | This cloth could get bull too cross | to; ox ford |
VHC | J. G. Booth | Where pantos are likely to be blue as well as loose? | pants; 2 mngs.; ref. O. bags |
VHC | E. J. Burge | A goodly group place something in collecting-box for down-and-outs | godly; hidden; ref. O. Group |
VHC | H. Freeman | Take POPE here? That’s, to a degree, unorthodox for deacon | PPE; hidden; ref. PPE course |
VHC | P. D. Gaffey | Where moods can lead to a degree of cross linkage | mods; o’ X ford |
VHC | R. R. Greenfield | I’ll carry pedestrian, aged about 100, round road | 10; X in of + O rd |
VHC | P. F. Henderson | Centre of religious movement supporting following of Christ? Good | God; o’ X for D |
VHC | J. D. Lockett | The Board twinned it with Ipswich – a tie we are bent on securing | Bard; 2 mngs.; ref. Henry VIII 4, 2; tie = shoe |
VHC | Mrs J. Mackie | Enter fox with door unhinged – it’s come of banging at last | dor; anag.; shoe |
VHC | W. F. Main | You will find a mathematical proof here using ‘cipher plus ten equals five hundred’ | prof; 0 X for D |
VHC | D. F. Manley | Today’s Fawley might come up here – boy entering from ring road? | by; x in of + O + rd; ref. ‘Jude the Obscure’ |
VHC | D. Mitchell | Fabric spangle effects turned and reshaped rood | rod; 0 + FX (rev.) + anag. |
VHC | T. J. Moorey | Where there’s many a student boy about the start of Xmas, right into overdraft | by; X in of + r in o/d |
VHC | C. J. Morse | The aging steer towards centre of goodly university | godly; ox for d; ref. gathering for AZ dinner |
VHC | C. J. Napier | Neat place for woading – get blue here? | wading; ox ford |
VHC | F. R. Palmer | Beef with destination Germany – too manifest a representative of lost causes? | to; ox for D; ref. M. Arnold: ‘Home of lost causes’ |
VHC | G. Perry | Cambridge’s lead lost – cox gets too cross in wet – opposition’s home! | to; (C)ox ford |
VHC | P. L. Stone | Boy the Thames location is fantastic for post-Ximenean’s fifth do! | by; anag. of for X do; ref. AZ dinner |
VHC | R. S. Sullivan | Low heeled shoe displayed by neat Anona perhaps | Anna; ox Ford; ref. broadcaster |
VHC | P. H. Watkin | Good’s unknown force when there’s no church in English city | God; x for(CE) in od |
HCs in competition 1300 awarded to: