Azed Competition No. 336 Azed Slip | ◀ 332 | 340 ▶ | Other competitions |

No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
336 | Sep 1978 | ELF-ARROW / CUTHBERT | Right and Left | 22 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | D. F. Manley | One who has got out of fighting splashes the Brut about – supposed means of enchanting women for real thrills | anag. incl. c.; anag. incl. w.; ref. Henry Cooper after-shave ad. |
Second | F. R. Palmer | What M.P. may look for – arrangements to cut the bank rate (a relic of the gnomes) – it could be far lower | anag. incl. br; anag.; M.P. = military police |
Third | K. Reed | Mine’s a kind of duck I don’t serve rare. Wolf freely! – shooting it was magic | 2 mngs.; anag. |
VHC | C. Allen Baker | Much noise on the railway being high, here’s a tip for the passenger: give the corridor a wide berth | el1 + far + row; cut + anag., wide = erroneous |
VHC | E. J. Burge | It’s time butcher, getting order wrong, a slacker, was shot (as in earlier times) i.e. for real, fellow’s end being arranged! | anag. incl. t; anag. incl. w |
VHC | A. Clarke | No fighter he – queer butch, Queen, primarily transvestite fairy – no matter which, according to provincial relic of earlier conflict | anag. + ER + t; elf arrow2; see ary |
VHC | F. D. Gardiner | Fowler gets mad about a king producing ancient weapon to butcher wild duck left for ducker | a R in anag.; anag. less 0 |
VHC | Dr J. F. Grimshaw | Draft dodger stayed away from assigned place (hospital up at the front line) after the Spanish once advanced old missile | cut + berth with H to start; el far + row |
VHC | E. M. Holroyd | One that does not work could be chert but trouble after erratic flare indicates flint | anag.; anag. + row |
VHC | E. M. Hornby | Trebuchet lacking energy damaged one who dodged projectile tossed far lower | anag. less e; anag. |
VHC | N. N. Inglis | I dodge the round tip of bronze in short missile head, very much on line on the wing | b in the in curt; el1 + far + row |
VHC | R. E. Kimmons | The wing, to produce a shot – one that might do just enough – put over the cross | el2 farrow; 2 mngs.; put over the cross, i.e. preached |
VHC | R. J. Lawrence | Clicker cut round the brown untidy pile of old half-heel litter | anag. incl. br. in cut; (he)el, farrow; ref. Wodehouse; ‘Clicking of Cuthbert’; c. = leather-cutter |
VHC | M. D. Laws | The French brought up a dispute supporting a rise for air men – it was crude, but could hurt someone taking time off work, perhaps; in short, the British needing to fly | le (rev.) + RAF (rev.) + row; cut + anag. incl. Br.; ref. air traffic controllers’ dispute |
VHC | C. G. Millin | Tip of dart gives physical condition, says Cockney shirker, absent from place of employment with bottom uppermost | i.e. Cockney pron. of ‘health harrow’; cut + berth with h to start |
VHC | C. J. Morse | Old flint, symbol of long distant strife, shaped to cut and butcher early saint | el far row; anag. + t(o); el = l = long |
VHC | R. J. Palmer | A reluctant soldier wounded by old weapon – one long discarded – it could have been used in warfare – old, not A.D. | cut + h(al)bert; anag. less AD |
VHC | H. L. Rhodes | Old weapon is activated for real start of war – but the credit’s rightly for one who plays the old soldier | anag. + w; anag. incl. cr. |
VHC | T. E. Sanders | Primitive missile shot from a string far lower in flight but the arc without one could be slacker | anag.; anag. less a |
VHC | J. B. Sweeting | Flint’s following in the Spanish main shoot non-combatant island dweller | f in el arrow; 2 mngs.; ref. Treasure Island; arrow = main shoot |
VHC | J. Walton | Fairy shot rare wolf in struggle right after the cub mangled saint | anag.; anag. + rt |
VHC | J. F. N. Wedge | Milksop in short, born in the arm of old fairy, one in a quiver | b. in the in curt; elf arrow |
HCs in competition 336 awarded to: