WordStats for Mrs E. McFee
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NameNo of cluesFirst
VHCsHCs Also listed as
Mrs E. McFee4 0047Mrs E. McFee (Rhos-on-Sea):


Mrs E. McFee’s average clue lengths over 4 clues:

45 letters per clue (equal to the archive average)

9.3 words per clue (0.3 below the archive average of 9.6)


Longest clue

Slips, for instance, must become bigger fish before swallowing one

55 letters, 10 words, in competition 10 LINGERIE


Shortest clue

To break up holy cups with axe would upset him

37 letters, 10 words, in competition 5 SCEUOPHYLAX


Mrs E. McFee has contributed 2 unique words to the clue archive:
