Clues by R. J. Heald in 2018-2019
Azed competitions from 2412 to 2460    All clues by R. J. Heald  |   2018-2019 Honours list
VHCsHCs Honours
R. J. Heald110922
No.Clue wordAwardClueExplanation
2412UBIQUARIANVHCAC/DC, Queen and Air appear in local gig with following going globalbi Qu aria in (f)un; see gig1,2; ref. rock bands
2417ALTARAGE / PROPOSAL (Right and Left)VHCPlan for positive deal not half lame, abandoned by hard Brexiteer rejecting initial offerings on the tablepro pos (de)al; (H)alt + (F)arage; ref. Chequers plan
2421SPASMODICALVHCTwitchy face of smuggler an indicator of stress when stopped by customss + modi in pascal
2425EPILIMNIONVHCWarm surface of water around edge of Pacific island is El Niño, I’m tippingP, I in anag.
2428SHEPHERDSSecondFluttering seraph heralds Messiah’s debut, dispelling dreadful alarm – in us?anag. incl. M less anag., & lit.
2430CLERIHEWVHCMichael Winner/In a/Shocking display/Chucks main and starter in Nobu away?anag. less main N, & lit.; ref. former restaurant critic and top Japanese restaurant
2434STONKEREDVHCTight place for potters clearing up is around edge of cushionn in Stoke red; ref. snooker
2438MONTE DI PIETÀVHCPapa and I engaged in card game to pass time, a better alternative to tiddlywinksp I in monte die t a; see Papa
2443ERATHEM (Printer’s Devilry)VHCFor a crossword-setting pro, gramm/atically complex puzzle should be easily achievable 
2456TRACTOR / TORMINAL (Overlaps)FirstHunt losing backing might help us till normality restored, avoiding unseemly Tory gripingtrac(k); till3; anag. less anag.; ref. Jeremy H., Conservative leadership race
2460TWEETVHCTrump delivers odd bit of propaganda with little trace of truth hereT(rum p) + wee t, & lit.

HCs awarded in competitions:

2451 CAPUT