Clues by J. R. Beresford in 2000-2001
Azed competitions from 1467 to 1515    All clues by J. R. Beresford  |   2000-2001 Honours list
VHCsHCs Honours
J. R. Beresford110822
No.Clue wordAwardClueExplanation
1467CANAPÉSecondIs an impressionist delicacy brought out in Déjeuner sur l’herbe?i.e. can ape; ref. Manet painting
1472TORAN (Printer’s Devilry)VHCThe men got in/ks for the tattoo 
1476LIGNIPERDOUSVHCIt’s harmful to deal, say police in drugs bust, removing cocaineanag. less C
1480SAMARITANVHCSaint badly needed around one hurta mar in anag., & lit.
1494MARATHONFirstLicking for Persians is a prolonged exercise2 mngs.; ref. cats and battle
1500GIT (on board ship) (Ship of Fools)VHCCompany with an eccentric rig taking drink to excess on boardCOGITOPER; co. + tope in anag.
1502RAPPELVHCThe ‘Unfinished’ conductor returns for ‘Drumroll’Leppar(d) (rev.); ref. Raymond L., Schubert and Haydn symphonies
1506BARE(-)BONESVHCWith this diet potentially ban outsize beer gutsanag. incl. OS, 2 defs
1511DEEP-SEATEDVHCLow return of service breaking superior player in setdeep + TA (rev.) in seed
1515SNIDEVHCDiners take away battered codanag. less r

HCs awarded in competitions:

1485 BOURSE / TIFOSO (Right and Left)