Clues by D. F. Manley in 1999-2000
Azed competitions from 1415 to 1463    All clues by D. F. Manley  |   1999-2000 Honours list
VHCsHCs Honours
D. F. Manley020744
No.Clue wordAwardClueExplanation
1415MANATI (Printer’s Devilry)VHCAzed says, ‘Solving wo/e I swear I don’t want!’ref. AZ tie
1419SPLODGEVHCStainer’s legacy? Composition to disseminate gospel, based around Lord’s endd in anag.; ref. John S.’s ‘Crucifixion’
1428CRICETIDSecondComedian’s original food – one revealed in vacuous tabloid!c + rice + I in t(abloi)d, & lit.; ref. ‘Sun’ headline, ‘Freddie Starr Ate My Hamster’
1437MISTLETOESecondNew Morse title, Dexter’s last to emerge – get it for Christmas for a few smackersanag. less r
1439JOHN CANOEVHCI am the Lord of the Dance, Jesus Christ, a shortened ‘Xmas’ hiding my nameoh n in JC a Noe(l)
1441Word containing MM displaced by a bug (Millennium Bug)VHCYule fare’s out of season in Augustsummery / flea; anag.
1450PRETENDANTVHCPotential encroacher Tony sees Ken as, long keeping left-winger outside No. 10?ten in red in pant; ref. T. Blair, K. Livingstone
1459GREATEST (Spoonerisms)VHCAfter gallery’s opening see foremost of twentieth-century art works this one’s seemed to be a Dalideemed to be as All; g + anag. incl. t
1463REVERSIONALVHCServing an alienor possibly wanting arrangement for children’s ultimate gainanag. less anag. incl. n, & lit.

HCs awarded in competitions:

1424 HEIST
1454 GET-UP